Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shape up or ship out.

Did you overindulge this weekend? I had way too much to eat, too many mimosas and let's just say, I definitely got a big dose of vitamin D from the sun. I'm in serious need of some yoga, water and veggies this week. We hope everyone had fun! xo

image from weheartit.com


  1. Hilarious! While I behaved for the most part, I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine and having some summer salads. Hope you had an awesome 4th!

  2. Ahhh yes! I needed to see this and i need to post it on my mirror at home! hope you gals had a great 4th!

  3. ha! i just got home from the gym, but now i'm eating leftover chocolate chip banana bread for dinner. soooo...call it even?


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